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Thursday, September 05, 2013
The Effects of Fukushima on West Coast Seafood

One of my farmers market customers told me that she would not be buying anymore canned albacore forever. That got my attention, and I asked her why. "It's all the radiation leaking into the ocean from the Fukushima nuclear plant."  How many other customers have been silently vowing to never eat fish from the Pacific Ocean?

There are always two sides to every argument which predicated this new research project. It is impossible at this point to claim that I have THE answer. Here are some of the articles about Fukushima's effect on North Pacific seafood:        Explains U.S. Monitoring Strategy   Contamination from Japan, etc.   "Setting the Record Straight" ?  George Washington's blog...really   Actual testing results on fish  
"Eating Fish From the Pacific Ocean Won't Turn You into a Mutant" by Michael Conathan, Director of Ocean Policy at the Center for American Progress
Oregon State University fish testing results  "Fishing for Answers off Fukushima" by Ken Buessler, a chief scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

It's best to be self-informed on any issue. I tend to like a good scientific study. However, with computer modeling, one can noodle the data to reach pre-determined or "political" results. Science used to be our lode stone....a compass of sorts.


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