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Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sushi Standards by Blue Ocean Institute
There is a new sustainable seafood guide to ocean friendly sushi put forward by the Blue Ocean Institute. This guide can be downloaded at Blue Ocean Institute's new website . A query may also be sent by text to FishPhone- text FISH and the species name to 30644 for the instant sustainability info.

We participated in the Lopez Island Pre-school Bazaar yesterday and sold a lot of canned fish. Most of our customers are savvy to the sustainability issues. There seem to be less concern over the mercury debate and more concern about sustainability. Our new offering of Cold Smoked Wild King Salmon is receiving more attention and accolades.

I participate in a volunteer group on Lopez Island which studies the amount, species, ocean salinity, and stomach contents of juvenile salmon as they swim by our island's south end. We just finished our last lab for the year in which we discovered that the baby salmon were eating mostly insects as compared to the early summer when their diet consisted of crustaceans, plankton, and marine invertebrate larvae.

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