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Saturday, May 03, 2008
Playing around with Crab Cakes
Sometimes it just all comes together.......the ingredients, the music, the appetite, but mostly it was a combination of time, effort, and what was left in the fridge. I am describing cooking for a bunch of hungry guys who never ask what's in the recipe. First, the music.....good jazz or classical. In tonight's venue, YoYo Ma in a cello concerto. Then there's the cooking wine. A bottle of pinot gris was uncorked for the cook to sample. Then an inventory of refrigerator contents: Red & yellow pepper, green onions, summer squash, red onion, garlic, fresh parsley, carrots, broccoli, and leftover quinoa. My inventory of canned goods was the most auspicious! Dungeness crab...but could I feed three of us? The menu evolved between sips of wine and cello arpeggios.

Crab cakes with remoulade sauce
Roasted vegetables
Steamed Quinoa with miscellaneous veggies
Pinot Gris

I am excited with the results of the crab cakes! Here is the basic general recipe I created from one can of Papa George Gourmet Dungeness Crab:

Crab Cakes:
1 can Papa George Gourmet Dungeness Crab drained
1 tsp garlic, either pressed or minced
1 Tb green or red onion chopped fine
1 Tb red pepper chopped fine
1 Tb fresh parsley chopped fine
1/2 tsp Hungarian paprika
1 tsp capers
2 Tb mayonaise
salt & pepper
1/4 cup Panko bread crumbs

1 cup Panko bread crumbs
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup peanut oil
dill weed to garnish over all

Directions: Drain can of Papa George Dungeness Crab. In medium bowl, mix crab and remaining ingredients with a fork. Heat butter and peanut oil to medium/medium high.
Divide crab cake ingredients into six parts. Mold gently with fingers into ball, roll in Panko crumbs, and place into hot butter/oil. Press down into cake with spatula and fry until golden on both sides. Drain and serve with Cajun remoulade sauce ( mayo, catsup, and sweet pickle relish)

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