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Friday, March 11, 2005 Lauds Omega 3's from Fish
Runner's World lists the numerous benefits of Omega 3's in one's diet, and cites fish ie: tuna as one of the four best sources. I like to think our younger albacore tuna is the leading source of Omega 3's in the sea. Our original brand contains 2200 mg. of Omega 3 per 3 oz. serving. That is a two day supply!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Squid to sardines & USAToday lauds "Boutique" tuna
It's repositioning time, from squid back to sardines. The big sardine net is wound on the drum. Steve and I drove to Oxnard and Ventura to pick up a new butterfly valve and a gooseneck for the picking boom. Along the way through the strawberry fields, the pickers looked bent in half to reach the ripened fruit. The seedlings of cabbage, carrots, greens, and peas sprinkled the long dark rows of earth with green. I love productive land...... productive people. When I think of California, I think of the millions of acres alongside Route 101 from Simi Valley to the Russian River, redolent with the scent of lemon blossoms or teeming with grape vines. I think of the thousands of porpoises, pilot whales, seals and sealions, pelicans and gulls which entertain and/or annoy us while out fishing near Catalina or the Channel Islands. I don't think of the Oscars or Hollywood.

Recently we were mentioned in USAToday in the catagory of "Boutique" tuna. The article is titled Seafood savvy hits the market and subtitled Can we have our fish and eat it too?
Cute. Scroll past "Ecofish" down to the tuna section for the mention of
We are among the seven or eight fishing families who sell their own tuna on the internet and/or at farmers markets.

Another website which has very detailed lipid comparisons between eight different types of tuna. Our Albacore in Tuscan Olive Oil has the most Omega 3's! Check out this informative essay titled, "Is canned tuna a good source of omega 3 fats? How much omega 3's can I expect to consume when eating canned tuna?" The website is called the World's Healthiest Foods or It is funded by the George Mateljan Foundation. There is no commercial axe to grind.

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